
Vie de chien pour les touristes

Le touriste a la vie dure au Bresil. Brook, un americain rencontre dans l auberge de jeunesse a passe une premiere nuit mouvementee. Il sort avec ses amis, soiree bien arrosee, un peu bourre il decide de prendre le taxi seul. Seulement voila, le taxi ne le depose pas a l hotel, Brook sort du taxi pour se faire agresser par des gamins qui essaient de lui faire les poches. Il s en sort en prenant une ruelle escarpee.

Il grimpe des escaliers pour rencontrer d autres gosses, la quinzaine, un flingue dans le pantalon. Apres c est le trou noir. Il se reveille dans des buissons, sans chaussures, sans chaussettes et bien sur sans porte monnaie. Desespere, c est finalement une prostituee qui lui montre le chemin pour rentrer a Copacabana, non sans essayer de le rabbatre vers le motel le plus proche.

Un malheur n arrive jamais seul: quelques jours plus tard, je devais normalement rencontrer Brook et son ami a Salvador de Bahia, autre ville reputee pour les depouillages de gringos a repetition. Mais Brook a du partir plus tot pour les raisons que voici (email):

so we got to salvador and befriended a local (remember the most important of life lessons in brazil - whenever you feel safest....) and he spoke italian.
so we were speaking italian and that he wanted to show me something, still reeling from rio, i made sure to stay close to Ben.....
but then two men ushered me towards an elevator as i frantically tried to explain that i wanted to go back but they were like calma calma. finally i was becoming quite nervous, but they made it clear from start to finish that i didn~t have much of a choice but to go.

finally i was like no, i~m leaving. then finally i went to leave and the two other girls that accompánied us tried to pick my pockets .. very aggressively.... then i ran back to where ben was only to be attacked by 5 young men who tackled me, and began to beat me about the head and body, then stole my passport (we had just arrived and had no locker in the hostel), my wallet, my camera, glasses and about 350 reais.

fuck all and most of all - fuck salvador.

luckily they left me with a black eye, a swollen bloody nose a lump and the head and torn and muddy shirt (diesel i might add), and of course my wounded pride.


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